
Statements by the main speakers at the closing of the Conference, under the topic: “Time for results”

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Statements by the main speakers on the opening, under the topic: “Time for results”


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Pre- 2nd Global High Level Conference on Road Safety event in Brazil.

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25 years ago, on June 20th, Luchemos por la Vida (Let’s Fight for Life) was born with a goal: to fight so there are no more avoidable deaths in traffic.

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Why don’t deaths decrease in Argentina?

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The event took place on May 7th and 8th in San José, Costa Rica, and Luchemos por la Vida was especially invited to this Congress on Child and Juvenile Road Safety in the Americas, promoted by the United Nations.

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4-10 May 2015 - Campaign  #SaveKidsLives  -  “Let’s save kids lives with road safety”

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The United Nations have decided to dedicate the Third Global Road Safety Week to the safety of children on the world’s roads, under the theme #SaveKidsLives.

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