3rd UN Global Road Safety Week 4-10 May 2015

The United Nations have decided to dedicate the Third Global Road Safety Week

to the safety of children on the world’s roads, under the theme #SaveKidsLives.

Luchemos por la Vida promotes this campaign in Argentina through several activities.

Activities planned by Luchemos por la Vida


  • Broadcasting, on radio and TV, of Luchemos por la Vida’s awareness campaign, “Safe Kids”

  • Invitation to NGOs and other organizations interested in road safety to join the campaign #SaveKidsLives.
  • Invitation to schools to participate on the campaign #SaveKidsLives, and work on the topic of safe kids in traffic at school and with their communities.
  • As a consequence of  this, thousands of children in schools from 12 Argentinian provinces have reflected on the risks in local traffic and have analyzed the UN’s Child Declaration for Road Safety, which will be delivered to local authorities.
  • In the City of Buenos Aires, Luchemos por la Vida will accompany groups of children from schools of the City in the delivery of leaflets and exhibition of banners in their community.
  • On Friday 8th May at 10am, Luchemos por la Vida will accompany a group of students to the Legislature of the City of Buenos Aires, who, in representation of all the children from the City, will deliver the Child Declaration for Road Safety and petitions to the legislators from the City and authorities.
  • Promoting the Global Road Safety Week on different media.
  • Promoting the topic on the Internet and social networks.
  • Providing NGOs and participant schools with a didactic kit that includes leaflets, posters, videos, information on thematic contents, etc.