
    Luchemos por la Vida participated with an initial presentation on the theme “Speed management”, and other activities, of the Sixth Global Meeting of Non-Governmental Organizations dedicated to Road Safety, in Chania, Greece.

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     Luchemos por la Vida launches a new campaignon radio and television to raise awareness among drivers about the vital importance of respecting and giving pedestrians their priority, especially in corners and pedestrian zebras.

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Congratulations to all the winners awarded by Luchemos por la Vida last November 27 for helping to build a future without deaths in traffic.

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The 3rd Sunday of November of each year was instituted by the United Nations as the World Day in memory of the millions of traffic victims around the world.

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Sunday, 18th november.


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Life is fighting and fighting is life, said the presentation folder of an unknown organization that in 1990 came to life in the City of Buenos Aires.

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On the first seven years of the UN’s Decade of Action for Road Safety, it has not been possible to significantly reduce deaths in transit.

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Congratulations to all the winners awarded by Luchemos por la Vida last November 28for helping to build a future without deaths in traffic.

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