
The organizations involved in the AVENUE for Traffic Safety project created the Networks and Education for Safety in Traffic (NEST) centres across Europe.

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The type of high-profile police crackdown and public-education campaign that led to record seat-belt use in the USA has proved highly effective against distracted driving in two pilot programs, the federal agency that tracks road deaths reports today.

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In co-operation with PACTS and Driving for Better Business, the seminar will be held in London on 15 November.

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Business to Business seminar in Zurich on the implementation and use of alcohol interlocks by small, large and public companies.

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Insights on the critical road situation in Argentina. Dr. Alberto Silveira interviewed by Constanza Heller from PressTV.

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Luchemos por la Vida attended the forum among many world's leading NGOs for road safety. The aim: to discuss a range of issues including the implementation of the Decade of Action for Road Safety.

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The General Assembly of the United Nations has declared the years 2011 – 2020 as the “Decade of Action for Road Safety”, to be launched next May 11.

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