Online road safety education for young people 2019

     Luchemos por la Vida and Ford Argentina, have developed since 2016 the free program Conduciendo Por la Vida (“Driving for Life”). Its goal is raising awareness and providing road safety education to youths aged 15 to 18. Guidance and information for educators and parents are provided, to allow them to participate actively on this educational process. Since the launch of the Driving for Life Program in Argentina, in May 2016, nearly 200,000 visits to the website have been received, as well as almost 210,000 views of the Online Course videos and YouTube. We also issued and sent 3,141 certificates of completion of the course.

     Through the use of the website, a free Online course (in Spanish) on safe mobility on the traffic system and responsible driving is offered, with development of key subjects such as: alcohol effects, use of safety seatbelt and helmet, compliance with speed limits, use of cell phone while driving, safety and respect for pedestrians and cyclists, among others. At the same time, Luchemos por la Vida has carried out workshops in high schools for a safe mobility on the traffic system.

     The program is based on the guidelines of the extensive educational experience of Luchemos por la Vida and the successful Ford Driving Skills for Life program, which has been carried out since 2003 in the United States and countries in Europe, Asia and Latin America.

     Every NGO and educational institution interested in this Program is invited to use it freely.