
2021 - Cell phone while driving kills

Luchemos por la Vida has launched an awareness campaign on radio and TV to create awareness on the serious and rising problem of the use of cell phone while driving.



2019 and 2018 – Give pedestrian its priority!

Luchemos por la Vida launches a new campaign on radio and television to raise awareness among drivers about the vital importance of respecting and giving pedestrians their priority



2017 and 2021 - Cell phone while driving kills

Luchemos por la Vida has launched an awareness campaign on radio and TV to create awareness on the serious and rising problem of the use of cell phone while driving.


2015 and 2014 - Safe kids

Luchemos por la Vida launches a awareness campaign in radio and TV called “Safe Kids” to increase the dissemination of the usefulness of the use of Child Restraint Systems in the vehicles.

2017- 2016 and 2013 - Safe pedestrians

Luchemos por la Vida’s spot to make pedestrians aware of their vulnerability, increasing their perception of the risk and to remind them safe behaviours when they are in the street.

2014 and 2012 - Helmet on a bike

Ad from Luchemos por la Vida to promote the use of helmets between bikers.

2011 - Helmet

Ad from Luchemos por la Vida to promote the use of helmets between motorbikers and mopeders.

2009 - Safe summer

Ad from Luchemos por la Vida to condemn risky driving attitudes at holidays time.

2001 - Album IV

Ad from Luchemos por la Vida to think twice about drinking before driving

2000 - Pedestrians IV

Ad from Luchemos por la Vida. Invest in your life: spend more minutes and cross the street from corner to corner

2000 - Speeding

Ad from Luchemos por la Vida. Live better and more, slow down and arrive safe and sound.

2000 - Pedestrians III

Ad from Luchemos por la Vida. Invest in your life: keep distance from the route and always against the traffic

2000 - Pedestrians II

Ad from Luchemos por la Vida. Invest in your life: when crossing the streets, use the crosswalk

2000 - Pedestrians I

Ad from Luchemos por la Vida. Keep the rules, keep your life: red lights are also for pedestrians

2000 - Speeding

Ad from Luchemos por la Vida. Live better and more, slow down and arrive safe and sound.

1999 - Seat belt

Ad from Luchemos por la Vida. Myths and facts about seat belt: which side are you on?

1999 - Album III

Ad from Luchemos por la Vida. Memories from lives that deadly changed

1998 - Alcohol

Ad from Luchemos por la Vida. A big NO at the wheel

1998 - Monster at the wheel

Ad from Luchemos por la Vida. What sort of parent are you?

1998 - Album II

Ad from Luchemos por la Vida. Memories from a sad decision

1997 - Safe bikes

Ad from Luchemos por la Vida. Make a shift, make a difference: Wear a bike helmet every time you ride.

1997 - Making traffic together

1997 - Album I

1996 - Pedestrian safety

1996 - Crazy teacher

1996 - Caution on the highway

1995 - Bike's rap

1995 - Safe traffic

1995 - Safety on the highway

1994 - Motorcycles

1993/94 - Pedestrian's rap

1993 - Seat belt

1993 - Safe children

1992/93 - Alcohol

1992/93 - Night

1992 - Speed

1992 - Seat belt

1992 - Traffic jungle

1992 - Let's be aware