Global Week to lower the speed limit to 30 km/h on streets

"Streets For Life” #Love30

      This year, again, a strong global call is being made to reduce the maximum speed to 30 km/h on city streets, all over the world. What for? To save lives.
     In Argentina, the National Traffic Law stipulates that the maximum speed allowed on streets is 40 km/h, unless otherwise signposted. Most will think this is a relatively low speed. And it is. But not if a vehicle hits a person's body. The injuries suffered at that speed are substantially more severe than if it happens at 10 km less.  The chance of surviving the impact is much lower at 40 km/h than at 30 km/h. 
A reduction in speed from 40 km/h to 30 km/h reduces traffic fatalities by two thirds, according to international evidence-based studies in several cities in different countries that already apply this measure. The greatest beneficiaries are the most vulnerable, pedestrians and cyclists, children, the elderly and people with disabilities.

       That's why this year, the Global Road Safety Week of Action from May 16-22, had the slogan "Streets for Life" #Love30, for safer, healthier, greener and more livable cities.


In Argentina, over 30 jurisdictions have already made a public commitment to promote this change and it has been implemented in some cities, proving that our country can also move forward on behalf of life.