Road Safety Day: Are we going to face Argentinean traffic deaths pandemic?

     During Road Safety Day in Argentina (june 10th) Luchemos por la Vida in association with Madres del Dolor Association and OVILAM (Latin American Road Observatory) called for a virtual colloquium in which more than 100 people not only from Argentina but also from neighboring countries took part. The title of the colloquium was the triggering question of a dynamic meeting in which Dr. Pablo Martinez Carignano, Director of the National Road Safety Agency; Viviam Perrone, founder-member of Madres del Dolor; Fabián Pons, President of OVILAM, and Dr. Alberto Silveira, President of Luchemos por la Vida presented their points of view about this problem, up to now more fatal than coronavirus. Then, extended time was provided for the active participation of all participants.


     Immediate plans for the new National Road Safety Agency management were outlined by its Director. Then, different topics of enormous interest related to traffic safety in Argentina and the region were raised by speakers and attendees as part of an answer to the convening question.

     Problems related to traffic legislation in a federal country, the lack of a National Road Safety Plan with clear objectives and optimal teams, sustained over time, difficulties and suffering by families of victims after a road tragedy, the Victims' Law, weaknesses of enforcement, Crimes against traffic safety, delays in the implementation of improvements in vehicles, differences in the granting of driving licenses, teenagers behind the wheel, and the lack of traffic education in schools, were some of the issues addressed.

     The high level of the four presentations, as well as the active and accurate intervention of many participants are an important contribution for the responsible authorities especially, and for the society as a whole, hoping could help to improve substantially traffic road safety in Argentina, finding the way to face and fight the pandemic of road accidents, which in the last 25 years have caused 189,810 deaths in traffic.